==================================== SAW Version 2.3 New Features (9/93) - Also See 2.4 Enhancements Below ==================================== NEW KEYBOARD CONTROL ==================== *) ACCELERATOR KEYS FOR MENU ITEMS Many menu items now have accelerator keys associated with them. Look to the right of the menu item to find an associated keystroke. Note that keystroke combinations (Shift, Ctrl, Alt...) have been configured in groups that associate with each menu section. *) CURSOR NUDGING IN SOUNDFILE & MULTITRACK VIEWS The Left and Right Arrow keys can now be used to nudge the cursor in both the SoundFile & MultiTrack Views. The current Zoom Level in each view determines the number of samples associated with each screen pixel. In the SoundFile View, using the Shift key along with the arrow keys will nudge the Begin & End Marks for Region Updates. Whichever mark your cursor is closest to will be the one adjusted. In the SoundFile View, using the Ctrl key along with the Left Arrow key will cue to the Mark Begin position. Using the Ctrl key along with the Right Arrow key will cue to the Mark End position. In the MultiTrack View, using the Shift key along with the arrow keys will nudge the currently selected Sequence Entry forward or backward. In the MultiTrack View, using the Ctrl key along with the arrow keys will nudge the currently selected Sequence Entry and the remaining entries forward or backward. *) KEYBOARD CONTROL OF RED WARNING BOXES The Return Key is now active in red warning boxes to answer 'Go with Undo'. The Shift-Return key combination is now active in red warning boxes to answer 'Go with No Undo'. The Escape Key is now active in red warning boxes to answer 'Cancel'. NEW MOUSE CONTROL ================= *) MOUSE CONTROL OF PLAY & LOOP MARKED Using the Shift Key along with the Right Mouse Button will now play the Marked Area without the need for using the Play Marked button onscreen. Using the Ctrl Key along with the Right Mouse Button will now loop the marked area without the need for using the options menu to toggle the Play Mark Button Mode. NEW MENU ITEMS ============== *) IN THE FILE MENU Close SoundFile has been added to close the current SoundFile and clear the waveform displays. Close EditlistFile has been added to close the current EditList File and clear the Regions & Sequence entries so that you may easily begin a new session. Be sure to save your current EDL first. *) IN THE EDIT MENU Paste Left-To-Right and Right-To-Left have been added to allow duplication of the sound data from one channel to the other. IMPROVED BUFFER HANDLING FOR MULTITRACK ======================================= MultiTrack Disk Access has been reduced by a factor of 12. This results in substantial speed increases for MultiTrack Preload times and greater playback density on slower machines. This also opens the possibilty for more playback tracks in future releases. The MultiTrack Spacebar cue function will now track the Preload Buffer Window Setting allowing you to control the amount of Preload time, even in cue mode. MULTITRACK VIEW INTERFACE ENHANCEMENTS ====================================== *) VISUAL ENHANCEMENTS New slimmer size allows for easier placement on a crowded screen. Enhanced ZoomOut resolution allows you to see more of your long productions at one time. MultiTrack Entry moves have been enhanced with front and back extension lines which allow easier alignment to entries on other tracks. The MultiTrack Cursor will no longer be disturbed during entry moves, thereby allowing you to align an entry to a preset cursor position. The Time View Current-Time will acurately track the start position of the entry as it is moved. *) SMPTE TRIGGER ENHANCEMENTS MultiTrack SMPTE Trigger mode now retains the Preload when you are warned about the incoming SMPTE time being past the cue point, and allows you to quickly restart your SMPTE source and try again. MultiTrack SMPTE Trigger will now automatically detect an END OF SMPTE message and stop playback when the SMPTE source is stopped. The Remote Transport View now detects MultiTrack SMPTE Trigger mode, allowing you to remotely control MultiTrack Trigger while in another application such as a MIDI Sequencer. NEW RECORD FEATURES =================== New Retake Button in the Record Window allows you to clear the current recording file and reset to the beginning in one easy step. New Record Remote Window allows remote recording control while in another application such as a MIDI Sequencer. If Generate SMPTE Mode is activated, Recording will now generate SMPTE starting at the current MultiTrack Cursor position. This allows a MIDI sequencer to chase SAW and remain in sync while you record live audio direct to disk. When you exit and save the recording, you simply mark the entire recording as a region and add the region to a track in the MultiTrack View and snap it to the starting Cursor position to create a perfectly synced audio overdub. If MultiTrack SMPTE Trigger Mode is activated, the Record Remote will allow for SMPTE Triggered recording. This mode will automatically start recording at the SMPTE point referenced by the MultiTrack Cursor position. When you exit and save the recording, you simply mark the entire recording as a region and add the region to a track in the MultiTrack View and snap it to the starting Cursor position to create a perfectly synced audio overdub. NEW SMPTE ENHANCEMENTS ====================== All Time Rulers now display SMPTE when any SMPTE mode is activated. SMPTE Generate and Trigger Start points will now automatically adjust the digital audio starting sample to be on an accurate SMPTE Frame boundary, eliminating any innaccuracies due to division roundoffs during start point calculations. SMPTE Start Offsets have now been enhanced to allow for SMPTE Offsets up to 24 hours. MISC ENHANCEMENTS ================= GameSwitch Trigger can now be used with both Remote Views allowing footswitch control of MultiTrack Playback and Record. New Enhanced Time View Display now has a Sample Count Display Option for viewing exact sample positions within a production. The Full View Window is now adjustable in size. The maximum number of Regions available to each EDL file has been increased from 200 to 400. Window sizes and positions are now saved with the Preference File allowing you to control the way SAW begins a session. ============================= SAW 2.4a Feature Enhancements ============================= *) CardD And SoundBlaster Versions Are Now Multimedia Compatible Which Means That SAW Will Reside Comfortably With The Card Specific Windows Drivers Installed. *) CardD Plus Version Now Supports Simultaneous Sync Record And MultiTrack Playback. *) New Lo Buffer Disk Handling Improves Disk Access Speed By As Much As 30%. This Translates Into Denser MultiTrack Playback Capability On All Machines. *) MultiTrack Mix Changes Within Regions Will Now Move With The Region When Adjusting Region Positions. *) Marked Mix Changes Can Also Be Coupled With MultiTrack Region Moves. *) A New "Exit / Add" Feature In The Recording Window Allows Automatic Marking And Insertion Of Sync Recordings Directly To The Active MultiTrack Track. CORRECTIONS =========== MultiTrack Buffer Overrun message now forces itself to the center of the screen even when SAW is iconized in the background. All Warning Message Dialog Boxes will now force themselves to become the top window, eliminating the problem of floating windows covering them up. All Paste operations now correctly adjust .WAV file headers if the file length is changed by the operation. Change EDL & ARK File Paths now automatically uppercases all filename & path info, and also flags for bad directory entries. MultiTrack Entry movement during playback has now been trapped.